2017 NSO Handlebars for the Homeless logo

NSO Handlebars for the Homeless is a casual guided bicycle tour that highlights Detroit’s hidden treasures. The tour begins and ends at the NSO Bell Building located at 882 Oakman Blvd. in Detroit (former historic Michigan Bell Building). The approximately 15-mile tour guides cyclists through some of Detroit’s most beautiful areas including the campuses of the University of Detroit Mercy and Marygrove College; Sherwood Forest and Boston Edison and Palmer Park neighborhoods as well as the Live6 Alliance area. All participants receive a NSO Handlebars for the Homeless high-performance T-shirt, spoke card, raffle entry and refreshments. The ride is fully supported with seasoned bicyclists, professional mechanics and the Detroit Police Officers cycling with the group.

ALL BICYCLIST MUST WEAR A HELMET.  All Participants must be 14 years of age or older.   All youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

EARLY REGISTRATION FEES through JULY 22ND:   (All Registration Fees after July 22nd and On-Site Registration: $40/person)  To receive your group Discount Promo Code contact: corporateaffairs@nso-mi.org

Individuals: $35/person through July 22nd

Teams of 10 or more members: $25/person through July 22nd

Teams of 4-9 members: $30/person through July 22nd


Participant Check In and Onsite Registration*:  7:00 am

Pre-Tour Announcements:  8:30 am

Tour Start Time:  9:00 am

Tour End Time:  12 noon

*All pre-registered Participants must check in to receive their T-shirt and Drawing Ticket.   Participants should allow time to park at off-site secure parking located at Focus Hope.



team members

Location / Venue

Neighborhood Service Organization logo
In Support of Neighborhood Service Organization
Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO), aDetroit-based integrated health and human service agency, deliverscommunity-based services and holistic programs for vulnerable populations. Theagency provides behavioral health and primary care services, in addition towraparound services that address barriers to housing, health, and well-being.NSO serves 12,000 people annually in Wayne and Oakland counties. 

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  2. Randy Rinnas
    Randy Rinnas gave a $25 donation to support Leon Broadnax
    over 7 years ago · Like