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  4. World Habitat Day 2023
  5. Amanda Hilsher
World Habitat Day 2023 logo
York Habitat for Humanity, in partnership with Affordable Housing Advocates, York County Coalition on Homelessness, and Friends & Neighbors of Pennsylvania invites you to participate in our second annual World Habitat Day event on Monday, October 2nd.

2023 has been a particularly challenging year for Urban Economies. The global economy growth itself is declining to about 2.5% and, apart from the initial COVID-19 crisis in 2020 and the global financial crisis in 2009, this is the weakest growth experienced since 2001.
Affordable, stable housing seems unattainable to a large percentage of the population.
Join us on one of the York Habitat build sites on Monday, October 2nd from 8am to 1pm.
You will begin your day volunteering your time building and framing the walls of a duplex in Red Lion, which will become home to two York County families.
Lunch will be provided. During the lunch hour, representatives from each organization mentioned above will share what they're doing to help drive growth and recovery as it pertains to housing.


hours pledged



Location / Venue

York Habitat for Humanity logo
In Support of York Habitat for Humanity
Building strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership.