‘Tis the season for mile-long to-do lists and big goals, which can also cause stress. To reduce your year-end fundraising stress, put your technology to work. With the help of the right tool, tasks that were once extremely time-consuming can now be completed in a fraction of the time or even automatically completed on your behalf in minutes. Of course, the technology you’ve chosen to support your team matters. So do take note if your technology meets your needs during this time. Or maybe it’s time for a change.

We asked the nonprofit community to share your most time-consuming tasks and, in turn, causing you the most stress right now. With this research and unearthed insights, we put together a live webinar presented by Denise Rogers, a Giveffect Nonprofit Solutions Consultant with over 20 years of nonprofit experience, to help nonprofits now.

Covered in this webinar:

Our findings included that many Nonprofits struggle with the following:

  • Too many platforms and tools that don’t speak to each other
  • Constantly downloading reports from one tool to upload them to another tool
  • Missing or unorganized data
  • Gaps in data due to role transitions
  • Manual data entry and repetitive tasks

The top 5 culprits of fundraising stress and how to solve them with technology:

  1. Personalized Outreach
  2. Online Giving & Campaigns
  3. Donor Cultivation
  4. Donor Acknowledgement
  5. Reports & Analytics

We also share how workflow automation can help you:

  • Easily set up automated tasks, emails, and workflows
  • Ensure that you never let a donor go without a personalized acknowledgment
  • Automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks

When selecting software to help you reduce fundraising stress and achieve your goals, select software that helps you:

  • Eliminate manual data entry
  • Personalize outreach to improve communication with stakeholders/constituents
  • Analyze data by creating and saving reports
  • Generate and automate acknowledgments and general correspondence
  • Use automation and workflows to save time
  • Consider an all-in-one platform like Giveffect

Key Takeaways:

The two key factors to reduce stress with the support of technology are:

1. Select the software that supports your needs

2. Learn how to leverage your technology’s capabilities to reduce year-end (and really year-round) fundraising stress.

To learn more about how leveraging the power of Giveffect can help you save time and reduce stress, schedule your demo today!