Diversifying your funding is critical to your nonprofit’s stability and ability to achieve your mission. With the ups and downs of the past few years, many nonprofit organizations that were heavily dependent on just one or two funding sources found themselves in a tight spot. The lesson here is age-old: Don’t put all of your funding eggs in one basket.

As we plan for 2023 fundraising and all that the year might bring, we know that diversified revenue streams mitigate the risk of losing any single source of funding. Healthy nonprofits diversify revenue by tapping a variety of resource streams and funding channels.

In this live chat, Giveffect’s Jack Harrison and Tara Peitzer share insights and delve into five ways nonprofits can diversify funding this year.

Ways to diversify your nonprofit funding

In this webinar, we dive into five ways that nonprofits can diversify funding in 2023:

  1. Monthly Giving and Pledges
  2. Peer-to-Peer and Team Fundraising
  3. Major Gifts
  4. Auctions
  5. Email Marketing and Customized Giving

For each of the five ways listed above, we share an overview, benefits, technology considerations, tips for how to execute, and real examples.

Key Takeaway:

You don’t need to implement every single fundraising strategy and tactic we cover in the webinar to diversify your funding. Instead, our goal is to help you consider how you can add one, two, or maybe even three to your fundraising this year. It’s essential to select the right tools to support your efforts and empower your team to raise more.

Giveffect is an all-in-one nonprofit software that supports your fundraising execution, whether fundraising with peer-to-peer or team fundraising or auctions, or both, and connects the dots across your entire team.

Looking for other articles on the topic? Check out Giveffect Marketing & Communication Director Tara Peitzer’s article written for Nonprofit Tech for Good.

And remember, you can’t succeed if you don’t try. Schedule your demo to learn how Giveffect can help you diversify your funding.