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Meet Giveffect’s Client Success Team Manager: Jack Harrison 

4 Mins read

As you navigate the nonprofit technology landscape, it’s natural to become captivated by the limitless potential that software holds. But have you ever wondered who’s working behind the scenes to make it all happen? At Giveffect, it’s high time you meet the incredible folks who bring our tech dreams to life. Our Employee Spotlight Series is your backstage pass to get to know the real people behind the screens. It’s a chance to peek behind the digital curtain and hear the fascinating stories of the humans who power our technology.

First up, meet Giveffect’s Client Success Team Manager, Jack Harrison, who has dedicated over five years to ensuring nonprofits have the support they need to thrive. In this exclusive interview, Jack shares insights into his role, the unique culture at Giveffect, trends and challenges in the nonprofit tech industry, and even a few fun personal details!

Every day at Giveffect brings something new and different. In my role, I get to engage with nonprofits of all different shapes and sizes. It’s been incredibly rewarding to learn more about nonprofit administration over time and how it manifests itself as to where we come in to serve non-profit tech needs.” – Jack Harrison, Giveffect Client Success Team Manager. 

The Journey to Giveffect 

Jack’s journey with Giveffect began in June 2018, fresh out of college. After graduating from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, Jack followed his heart to Atlanta to be with his then-girlfriend and now-wife, Sidney. As he puts it, the stars aligned, and he embarked on a rewarding five-and-a-half-year adventure with Giveffect.

Exploring Nonprofit Tech

In college, Jack participated in Centre College’s Phonathon, where he engaged with alumni, requested donations, and built relationships. He also volunteered at St. Vincent De Paul’s Soup Kitchen in Louisville, Kentucky, giving him valuable insights into nonprofit work. Jack’s educational experiences, including a class on poverty and homelessness, further fueled his passion for public administration and led him into the nonprofit tech field.

Evolution of the Client Success Team Manager Role

Jack’s role at Giveffect has evolved considerably over the years. “I initially started on the sales side, making those cold calls and engaging with all those wonderful folks who weren’t necessarily expecting our call… (laughs).” Later, he transitioned to the support department, where he honed his empathetic skills, deepened his product knowledge, and contributed to crafting valuable content for our clients.

Throughout Jack’s journey within the company, we’ve witnessed substantial personal and team growth. “It’s been incredibly gratifying to witness our team’s expansion and the enhancement of the support and resources we provide.” This growth has empowered the client success team at Giveffect to introduce dedicated account managers and implement a more structured onboarding process. Ultimately enhancing the experience for our valued clients.

Understanding and Empathy in Client Success

Jack is passionate about conveying a crucial aspect of his role: the team’s deep empathy for nonprofit clients’ needs and aspirations. “We understand where a nonprofit is coming from when they ask for the platform to do even more than it already does…” he shares. Jack actively collaborates with the Giveffect product team, ensuring that client feature requests are considered and integrated into our roadmap whenever feasible, transforming these requests into tangible enhancements for our valued clients.

Unique Culture at Giveffect: Dynamic, Responsive, Goal-Oriented

Jack attributes Giveffect’s distinctive culture to a combination of a can-do attitude and a robust culture of collaboration. The company’s modest size fosters agility and encourages communication across teams. He notes, “There’s a significant level of interdependence woven into our teams, and it’s truly invaluable in propelling us forward in various ways.”

Insights from Nonprofits

Jack’s role puts him in direct contact with nonprofit professionals who often seek guidance on improving their processes and workflows to leverage Giveffect’s platform strategically. He values the opportunity to offer recommendations and translate best practices, always mindful that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, he strives to assist nonprofits in envisioning how they can enhance their current processes. He notes, “Many individuals come from different platforms or perhaps have been relying on spreadsheets, which can lack efficiency. I aim to help them envision ways to build upon their existing processes to best meet their organization’s goals.”

Essential Advice for Nonprofits

One of the key pieces of advice Jack consistently shares with nonprofits is the importance of documenting internal processes. He emphasizes that having a well-structured plan and comprehensive documentation can save time, money, and prevent the organization from experiencing setbacks. “I cannot stress enough the importance of having well-documented processes, along with training resources. As the saying goes, ‘God forbid you get hit by a bus,’ but having these resources ensures that the next person stepping in won’t be at a significant disadvantage, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of your organization.”

The Future of Nonprofit Tech

In the past four to five years, Jack has observed remarkable growth in the nonprofit technology sector. He highlights the proliferation of nonprofit tech tools, expressing his enthusiasm: “It’s encouraging to see the emergence of single-purpose tools for tasks like donation processing and comprehensive solutions like our 10-in-one platform.” This expansion is a positive indicator, suggesting that nonprofits now have access to a diverse range of resources. These tools are crucial for modernizing their operations and maintaining a leading edge in nonprofit technology. Jack proudly notes, “At Giveffect, we consistently roll out new features and updates bi-monthly. Reflecting on our journey, it’s inspiring to see the ideas we envision added to our roadmap and becoming a reality.”

Looking to the future, Jack is excited about the increasing specialization in nonprofit management technology, especially with the integration of AI. He is particularly captivated by the potential of AI, including automation and data analysis, to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of the nonprofit sector. “At Giveffect, we’ve already begun incorporating artificial intelligence such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and generative AI into our platform with AI Writer and the Lab. These tools significantly enhance the capabilities of nonprofits. As these cutting-edge technologies continue advancing, so will their role in empowering nonprofits to achieve their objectives.”

Fun Facts

  • What do Muhammed Ali, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Jack Harrison all have in common? They are all from Louisville, Kentucky!
  • Jack was once a beatboxer in a college acapella group. 
  • His ultimate comfort food is his mom’s homemade chicken casserole. 

Jack Harrison’s journey at Giveffect is marked by a commitment to empowering nonprofits. He fosters a supportive and collaborative culture. His passion for learning and dedication to understanding nonprofits’ unique needs make him a vital team member. You can catch Jack on upcoming webinars, working directly with nonprofits, or leading our team of client success account managers. As nonprofits evolve digitally, Jack’s role in their success is undeniable.

Are you interested in learning more about Giveffect and the people behind the platform? Schedule your demo today!

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