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10 Things To Get Excited About At 18NTC in New Orleans

3 Mins read

April is upon us, meaning that the 2018 Nonprofit Technology Conference in New Orleans is kicking off soon. A slew of events, symposiums, and breakout sessions across an array of topics are scheduled for attendees to enjoy. Here at Giveffect, we couldn’t be more excited to be a sponsor of 18 NTC!

We’ve put together a list of 10 things to get excited about for this year’s conference. From first-time programming to world-renowned guest speakers, 18 NTC has a little something for all: nonprofit professionals, tech professionals, influencers, and everyone in between.

1. 18 NTC Keynote Speaker – Luvvie Ajayi

New York Times best-selling author, speaker, and digital strategist Luvvie Ajayi is sure to keep the audience learning and thinking while she has them in stitches. She is bringing her 15 years of blogging and digital strategy experience, as well as some thought-provoking humor on technology, comedy, pop culture and activism, to the Big Easy. The author of the bestselling book I’m Judging You, Ajayi’s accomplishments are numerous and wide-ranging.

2. The Official 18 NTC App

The CrowdCompass AttendeeHub app will allow 18 NTC attendees to create their own custom schedules, make social connections with other attendees, bookmark exhibitors, and much more. The app is available on Google Play, iTunes, and on the 18 NTC website. It’s just another way for NTEN to create opportunities for attendees to connect with each other and make the most of their conference experience.

3. Pre-Conference Events

This year’s pre-conference events include Drupal Day for IT decision makers, an interactive, all-day learning and networking event for nonprofit leaders with WordPress Day, and CiviCRM Day for nonprofit leaders. These events are sure to set the stage for 18 NTC and create an environment of collaboration and unity.

 Giveffect 18NTC New Orleans Get together

4. A Wide Range of Speakers and Topics

A host of speakers from organizations such as the American Diabetes Association, the University of Pennsylvania, TechSoup, and Google will be in attendance. Topics and titles range from How Your Website Overhaul is like an Escape Room to How To Not Suck at Digital Youth Engagement.

 5. Ignites

Ignites are a fun, fast-paced way to share passions and insights through what is referred to as a passion pitch. The catch is that presenters only get 5 minutes and can only use 20 slides in total! No pressure, right? But the great thing about these pitches is that the crowd is exposed to some of the greatest triumphs and pitfalls of presenters who have been in their shoes already. Ignites are a great way to connect and to learn.

6. Opportunities to network and build relationships

Any conference will have the chance to meet new people and make great connections. But at 18 NTC, those connections could lead to the development of an app, a website overhaul, or figuring out a new way to use social media for your nonprofit organization. Beyond just the standard business card giveaway, this is a chance for more collaboration and success.

 Giveffect 18NTC New Orleans Speaker

7. Conference Registration Scholarships

In 2018, scholarships were awarded to people of color, people living in rural areas, and members of the LGBTQA community. NTEN realizes that real diversity is the only way to grow both the nonprofit and the tech sectors, and they are working to make that a continued reality.

8. NTEN Career Center

Open from 3:00-5:00 PM on Thursday, April 12, this will be an opportunity for speed mentoring, resume enhancement, networking, enhancing career skills, and making new career connections. And we all know that 18 NTC will be all about those all-important connections, so this is surely something to take advantage of.

9. Donate to the Fund the Future Program

Supporting the Fund the Future program allows the Nonprofit Technology Network to fund 50 scholarships to attend 18 NTC. These funds allow new people to attend the conference to connect, learn, and bring about long-lasting change.

Giveffect 18NTC New Orleans


10. Conference Sponsors, including Giveffect!

Giveffect is once again acting as a sponsor of this year’s conference. Along with many other innovative and growing organizations, along with established names, we look forward to meeting new people, connecting with clients, and building strong relationships in New Orleans this April.

Will you and your team be attending 18 NTC in New Orleans? Are there any events, speakers or opportunities that you are looking forward to? Please, let us know!

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